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Lava Queer Bokcirkel

Lava Queer Bokcirkel

Lava Queer Bokcirkel is a book club specifically designed for those interested in exploring stories and narratives with queer themes, written by queer authors.

The book club offers a diverse range of literature, from short stories and poetry collections to longer novels, catering to various literary tastes within the queer community.

Each meeting is accompanied by cozy discussions and refreshments, providing a warm and inclusive environment for sharing insights and perspectives on lesser-known queer narratives. There's no need for prior registration, so attendees can join for a single session or multiple ones.

For updates on the texts being read and more information about each session, interested participants are encouraged to follow their Instagram account @kulturhuset_lava.

This book club represents a welcoming space for those eager to delve into the richness of queer literature and connect with like-minded readers.


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