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Dive into the pulse of Amsterdam's fetish scene with XXXLeather, the ultimate men-only gay fetish, dance, and safe sex cruise party. Taking place every third Sunday of the month at Club Church, this event stands as one of the hottest gatherings in gay Amsterdam. Mark your calendars for June 16, 2024, and prepare for an unforgettable night where dance, drinks, and play come together under one roof. With a strict dress code to enhance the experience, XXXLeather promises an exclusive and exhilarating environment designed to cater to your desires.

Since 2005, XXXLeather has been a cornerstone of the Amsterdam gay fetish community, driven by a passionate team of volunteers committed to delivering a night filled with excitement and connection. This event not only offers a space for thousands of men to enjoy a night of dance and safe exploration but also contributes significantly to the vibrant culture of the city's LGBTQ+ scene. Whether you're a regular on the fetish party circuit or looking to experience something new and thrilling, XXXLeather welcomes you to join a community where freedom, fun, and fetish come alive.

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Bars & Clubs
Club Church