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Dive into the heart of Amsterdam's vibrant gay fetish scene at XXXLeather, the city's premier men-only gay fetish, dance, and safe sex cruise party. Held every third Sunday of the month at Club Church, XXXLeather invites you to experience one of the hottest events in gay Amsterdam. Scheduled for May 19, 2024, this party stands as a testament to the thriving fetish community, combining an exhilarating mix of dance, drinks, and play in an inclusive and safe environment.

Since 2005, XXXLeather has been a cornerstone of the Amsterdam gay fetish community, brought to life by a passionate team of volunteers committed to providing thousands of men with their much-needed dose of fun and freedom. Adherence to a strict dress code ensures that the spirit of the event is preserved, creating an atmosphere that's both electrifying and respectful. Whether you're a regular attendee or new to the scene, XXXLeather offers an unforgettable night of connection and celebration, all while contributing to the rich tapestry of Amsterdam's gay nightlife.

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